Peer Review Process
To ensure the quality of the published work the manuscripts go through the process of peer review.
Submitted articles are received by the editorial board. The editor assigns the manuscript to a section editor, to continue with the editorial process.
At this the editor checks for the originality and validity of the manuscript. The manuscript with flawed scientific data and poor English language is rejected. The manuscripts meeting the minimum criteria of the journal are forwarded to the peer for review.
The reviewing process starts when the articles are sent to reviewers. The manuscript is assigned to reviewers according to their interests and expertise. The reviewers submit their recommendations and decision to the author.
The reviewers evaluate the following in a manuscript:
- The originality of the concept and the method.
- Method of the study
- Result representation and conclusions
- Ethical guidelines
- Language and grammar
The author can track the progress of the manuscript during the reviewing process. The manuscript can be resubmitted, reversed, or edited.
The process for handling cases requiring corrections, retractions, and editorial expression of concern
The accepted articles are sent to the authors for corrections highlighted by the editors and reviewers. You will receive an email regarding the corrections to be made. To ensure fast publication, the authors are required to send their edited manuscripts.