
  • Aftab Khan PHRC Research Centre, Khyber Medical College Peshawar, Peshawar, Pakistan.
  • Obaid Ullah PHRC Research Centre, Khyber Medical College Peshawar, Peshawar, Pakistan.
  • Shahnaz Attaullah Jinnah college for Women, University of Peshawar
  • Saman Sohail Jinnah college for Women, University of Peshawar
  • Nighat Nisar Jinnah college for Women, University of Peshawar
  • Hajira Ijaz Jinnah college for Women, University of Peshawar



Sero-prevalance, Anti Hbs Ag, HBV vaccination, immunity, Immunization


Background: Hepatitis B is a liver infection caused by hepatitis B virus (HBV). This infection can be acute or chronic. HBV infection can be prevented through immunization included in EPI in 2004 in Pakistan. Females are more unsafe and risky group for HBV infection having lots of chances for exposure to blood contact and female can transmit infection vertically to their children. Therefore immunization of females is very important.
Methods: The study was carried out among female university students of district Peshawar of age range 20 to 30.A written informed consent was taken from the head of departments of different universities of district Peshawar and from individual responder. Similarly about 200 questionnaires were filled from female University students of the defined age range. The information regarding the demography, HBV vaccination history and family history of HBV infection was gathered. About 3 to 5ml blood samples were collected from all HBV vaccinated and non vaccinated female students for determination of natural or vaccine induced immunity against hepatitis B surface antigen (HBs Ag). The collected blood samples were transferred to PHRC centre Khyber medical college for anti HBs Ag test. Data was gathered and analysed by SPSS version 22.
Results: This study consists of 200 female university students, among them 163(81.5%) were from urban and 37(18.5%) were from rural area. Out of 200 female students 45(22.5%) were none vaccinated and 131(65.5%) were vaccinated. Only 64(32%) have completed their vaccination course and only 79(60.3%) university students were having positive immunity against HBV (positive HBsAb). Results shows that 5(2.5%) university students have infected persons in their families, and only 2(40%) infected families were HBV vaccinated.
Conclusion: This study provided low HBV vaccination status and antibody sero-prevalence in spite of HBV vaccination. Schedule vaccination need full attention. HBsAb test should be done after every 5-10 years of HBV vaccination to ensure a booster dose vaccine.




How to Cite

Khan A, Ullah O, Attaullah S, Sohail S, Nisar N, Ijaz H. SERO-PREVALANCE OF ANTI HBSAG AMONG FEMALE UNIVERSITY STUDENTS OF DISTRICT PESHAWAR. Pak J Public Health [Internet]. 2018 Dec. 29 [cited 2025 Feb. 16];8(4):181-4. Available from: